Cursor Based Pagination

Using the cursor-based approach, pagination in a collection can be controlled using the page[after], page[before], and page[size] query parameters.

To retrieve the first page of a collection, you don't need to pass any pagination parameters, for example:

By default, the page size for pagination is set to 25. However, you can set a custom page size by using the page[size] query parameter in the API request. Note that the maximum allowed page size is 100 unless otherwise specified by the API documentation or the server.[size]=100

The meta member of the response Response Object will include the after_cursor, before_cursor and has_more information.

  "data": [
  "included": [
  "meta": {
    "user_name": "xxxx xxx",
    "after_cursor": "Y3Vyc29yOjEwODg=",
    "before_cursor": null,
    "has_more": true

To get records before or after a specific cursor, pass the page[after] or page[before] query parameters with the values from after_cursor or before_cursor responses from the previous request:[size]=100&page[after]=Y3Vyc29yOjEwODg=

This approach ensures efficient and scalable pagination through large collections of data.